Just got Android 2.1 pushed to my phone this morning. I'm a fan of the Google voice integration, but the icon for that ha replaced my comma button, which is a little frustrating. I suppose the multi-touch pinch zoom in the browser is nice, by I've hardly used it.
The big problem is that Swype beta for the Droid doesn't support android 2.1. So, I'm back to pecking away on the crappy native keyboard. Ugh.
Swype, if you're listening... HELP!
UPDATE: I un-installed Swype and re-installed it using the SwypeInstall program. Looks like I'm back in business.
Andrew - with changes and improvements being made to the Android operating systems at such a rapid pace, is it not too early to be an early adopter of this platform? Or maybe your learning experiences become part of the next release!